This is the complete list of members for VisTPC, including all inherited members.
ClassDef(VisTPC, 1) | VisTPC | private |
debug | VisTPC | protected |
drawCircularPolygon(TEveStraightLineSet *ls, float r, int nDivisions, float z) | VisTPC | |
drawCircularPolygon(TEveStraightLineSet *ls, float r, float phi_min, float phi_max, int nDivisions, float z) | VisTPC | |
drawEvent(EVENT::LCEvent *event, std::vector< std::string > &selectedEntries, TEveElement *parent=NULL, const char *name="Event") | VisTPC | |
drawEvent(EVENT::LCEvent *event, TList &selectedEntries, TEveElement *parent=NULL, const char *name="Event") | VisTPC | |
drawHit(EVENT::TrackerHit *hit, TEvePointSet *parent, int wantTooltip=false) | VisTPC | |
drawHits(IMPL::LCCollectionVec *hits, int wantTooltip=true) | VisTPC | |
drawHits(const EVENT::TrackerHitVec &hits, int wantTooltip=true) | VisTPC | |
drawModule(gear::TPCModule *aModule, TEveElement *parent=NULL) | VisTPC | |
drawModules(TEveElement *parent=NULL) | VisTPC | |
drawNearestPad(const gear::TPCModule &aModule, TEveElement *parent, int padIndex, const gear::Vector2D &position, int i) | VisTPC | |
drawPadBox(const PadMetric &pad, float z_front, float z_back, TEveBoxSet *bs) | VisTPC | |
drawPadQuad(const PadMetric &pad, float z, TEveQuadSet *qs) | VisTPC | |
drawPads(gear::TPCModule *aModule, TEveElement *parent=NULL) | VisTPC | |
drawPulses(IMPL::LCCollectionVec *pulses) | VisTPC | |
drawTPC() | VisTPC | |
drawTracks(IMPL::LCCollectionVec *tracks, TEveElement *parent=NULL) | VisTPC | |
drawTwoConnectingPads(const gear::TPCModule &aModule, TEveElement *parent, int pad1, int pad2, LeftRight_enum leftright) | VisTPC | |
driftVelocity | VisTPC | protected |
gearMgr | VisTPC | protected |
getCollectionType(const std::string &) | VisTPC | |
getDriftVelocity() | VisTPC | inline |
getGlobalPadMetric(const gear::TPCModule *aModule, const int padIndex, PadMetric &pad) | VisTPC | |
getLocalPadMetric(const gear::TPCModule *aModule, const int padIndex, PadMetric &pad) | VisTPC | |
getMaxDriftLength() | VisTPC | inline |
getMaxPoints() | VisTPC | inline |
getOption(std::string &option) | VisTPC | inline |
getReadoutFrequency() | VisTPC | inline |
innerFieldCageRadius | VisTPC | protected |
kHIT enum value | VisTPC | |
kLEFT enum value | VisTPC | |
kPULSE enum value | VisTPC | |
kRIGHT enum value | VisTPC | |
kTRACK enum value | VisTPC | |
kUNDEFINEDTYPE enum value | VisTPC | |
LCCollectionType_enum enum name | VisTPC | |
LeftRight_enum enum name | VisTPC | |
materials | VisTPC | protected |
maxDriftLength | VisTPC | protected |
maxPoints | VisTPC | protected |
media | VisTPC | protected |
options | VisTPC | protected |
outerFieldCageRadius | VisTPC | protected |
readoutFrequency | VisTPC | protected |
setDriftVelocity(float velocity) | VisTPC | inline |
setMaxDriftLength(float length) | VisTPC | inline |
setMaxPoints(int points) | VisTPC | inline |
setOption(std::string option, int value) | VisTPC | inline |
setReadoutFrequency(float frequency) | VisTPC | inline |
testLeftRightNeighbour(int moduleID=0) | VisTPC | |
testLeftRightNeighbourWithPads(int moduleID, const std::vector< int > &pads, LeftRight_enum leftright) | VisTPC | |
testNearestPad(int moduleID=0) | VisTPC | |
testNearestPadGlobal() | VisTPC | |
testNearestPadGlobalWithPoints(const std::vector< gear::Vector2D > &points) | VisTPC | |
testNearestPadWithPoints(int moduleID, const std::vector< gear::Vector2D > &points) | VisTPC | |
toGlobal(const gear::TPCModule *aModule, TEveElement *element) | VisTPC | |
tpcParameters | VisTPC | protected |
updateGearMgr(gear::GearMgr *aGearMgr) | VisTPC | |
VisTPC(gear::GearMgr *aGearMgr=0) | VisTPC | |
volumes | VisTPC | protected |
~VisTPC() | VisTPC | inline |