RAIDA  1.7.0
Revision Namespace Reference

This header file provides a mechanism, which makes the name of a a CVS tag available for a c++ program. More...


std::string getName ()

Detailed Description

This header file provides a mechanism, which makes the name of a a CVS tag available for a c++ program.

This can be used to print the current version of a software package to the screen.

The function getName() returns a string containing the CVS tag name. This only works, if a tagged version of the sources is "checked out" with the "-r" option. To check out version "v00-01" of the project "nnTrainer" type:

cvs co -r v00-01 nnTrainer

If a not tagged version is checked out, getName() returns an empty string. This also is the case if the latest version is the tagged version, but the check out is done without the "-r" option.

The getName() function reads out the value of the "Name" keyword. To make this work properly add this file with

cvs add -kkv Revision.h cvs ci Revision.h

to your CVS repository. If you check in this file together with other files to create a new CVS repository, the keyword modus has to be set after the check in using

cvs admin -kkv Revision.h

(usually "-kkv" should be the standard mode. In this case you can omit this command.)

To tag a version of the project "nnTrain" type:

cd nnTrain cvs tag v00-01 .

To remove a tag type:

cd nnTrain cvs tag -d v00-01 .

T. Kraemer, DESY
Revision.h,v 1.2 2006-12-04 17:36:39 tkraemer Exp