TAG v03-01-00
Add API to display lines in visualization.

TAG v03-00-00
Updated to reflect sdk interface changes.
Updated to reflect change to managed container and Pandora typedefs.

TAG v02-03-01
Update header file installation command.
Remove outdated README.

TAG v02-03-00
Add visualisation of LineGaps, with sorted, clickable list of gaps.
Add maximum r and z value for MCParticle propagators to ensure they are not dropped from the display.

TAG v02-02-00
Make scaling factor (from Pandora length scales to ROOT TEVE length scales) configurable to allow for variation between use-cases.

TAG v02-01-00
Improvements to CMake build mechanics.

TAG v02-00-00
Update header file include path.
Fixed CXX_FLAGS for clang 6.0 on APPLE.

TAG v01-00-01
Improve specification of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.
Handle cases where c++11 is not available.

TAG v01-00-00
Milestone v01 release.
Update to reflect recent changes to PandoraSDK.
Improved const-correctness. Algorithms are now only exposed to pointers to const managed-objects. Access to managed-object non-const functionality is now only via Pandora APIs.
Construct TTreeWrapper instance (can implicitly create a dummy global TApplication) only after constructing TApplication instance.
Work around ROOT crash in the event that a default global TApplication already exists at time of PandoraMonitoring construction.
Makefile and CMakeLists overhaul.
Updated readme.

TAG v00-17
Update to reflect recent changes to PandoraSDK.
Overhaul, with emphasis on ensuring that client applications can instantiate and use multiple concurrent pandora instances.
Address issues highlighted by Coverity.
Improvements for information available in display.
Improvements for handling of PFO daughter tracks and clusters.
Add new subdetectors, from separate instances, to global list of all subdetectors.
Alter compiler warning flags, including all, extra, pedantic and shadow declarations to Makefile. Report warnings as errors.

TAG v00-16

TAG v00-15
Add vertex visualization.
Add detector view configuration options.
Enable display in the case where the GeometryHelper is uninitialized.
The ifndef statements in header files are now fully qualified.

TAG v00-14
Enable visualization of pfo vertices.
Enable visualization of pfo hierarchy.
Allow default TApplication to be replaced by a real TApplication.
Use global TApplication if it already exists.
Changes for clang build on Mavericks.

TAG v00-13
Update to reflect recent changes to mc particle handling in PandoraSDK.

TAG v00-12
Specified tree directory immediately after creation.
Ensured local include directory is first in include path.

TAG v00-11
Between v00-06 (first direct inclusion in Ilcsoft) and v00-11, PandoraMonitoring was part of the PandoraPFANew parent package.
PandoraPFANew is now a "metadata" package containing only Makefiles for downloading and building relevant Pandora libraries.
The PandoraMonitoring library is now maintained and released separately.

Pandora consists of the PandoraSDK (Software Development Kit), which comprises a single library and header files with flexible APIs.
There is also an optional PandoraMonitoring library, which contains event display and tree/histogram-writing functionality.
The PandoraMonitoring library depends on the PandoraSDK and ROOT.
Pandora algorithms will necessarily depend upon the PandoraSDK (and also PandoraMonitoring, if desired).
The algorithms can be built as part of a Pandora client application, such as MarlinPandora, or the standalone TestPandora binary.
Algorithms declared to be suitably generic may be designed for use by multiple client applications.
Such re-usable algorithms are best bundled together into a Pandora "content" library.
Algorithms are always registered via the client application, using the PandoraAPIs, but the client app can link against as many content libraries as required.

TAG v00-06
Added Pause and Create APIs, allowing for easy creation of Monitoring TApplication and allowing access to reusable pause functionality.
Moved PandoraMonitoring to PandoraPFANew repository.
Updated to reflect recent changes to pandora APIs, including typedef changes and use of CaloHitLists, rather than OrderedCaloHitLists.
Added ability to deal with pandora rectangular and pointing calo hits, via virtual function CaloHit::GetCellCorners.
Added hit colour scheme that uses continuous palette to reflect energy of hits.
Removed unused options to draw fit to clusters and pfos.

TAG v00-05
Added ability to draw pandora histograms.
Added option for drawing each cluster/pfo with a different color (iterates through list of available colors).
Updated to reflect changes to pandora::CartesianVector class.
Addressed issues raised by Coverity.
Removed dashes from TEveList names in tree menu of the TEve display for PFOs and for tracks
Muon endcap is invisible by default only if muon barrel exists; helps with visualization of test beam set ups.
Updated standalone Makefile: changed default compiler to g++ and added -O2 optimization flag.

TAG v00-04
Updated CMake files to use new ILCUTIL package.
Updated CMake files to reflect restructuring of PandoraPFANew.
Updated standalone makefile to reflect restructuring of PandoraPFANew.
Added checks on initialization of subdetector parameters before attempting to draw.
Added ability to draw inner detector, if details have been provided.
Changed all references to "track state at ecal" to "track state at calorimeter".
Made use of IsMirroredInZ subdetector functionality.
Updated to reflect changes to GeometryHelper.
Improved exception handling when creating TEveManager.
Improved memory management when sorting content by energy, etc.
Addressed CppCheck (static analysis package) warnings.

TAG v00-03
Display maximum and minimum radiation and interaction lengths from the ip for all calo hit lists.
Reduced geometry dependence, adding try/catch blocks around queries for any specific geometry information.

Added transparency for calorimeter hits (option)
Added color scheme AUTOTYPE, which highlights confusion between neutral hadrons, charged hadrons, electrons, muons or photons.
Added color-scheme AUTOID, which highlights particle ID issues.
Updated calls to GetBField function, which now take a position vector as an argument.
Sort lists of MCParticles, Tracks, Clusters and Pfos by energy.
Added ability to set the TEve display background color (black or white) and to choose whether to draw detector elements.
Changed default background color to white
Improved tool-tip information (add MC particle info for calohitclusters)
Provided a gnu makefile.

TAG v00-02
Added axis title parameters for histograms.
Added functionality to add, multiply or divide histograms.
Updated to reflect changes to pandora GeometryHelper.
Set BUILD_32BIT_COMPATIBLE to OFF by default.

Flip sign of magnetic field, rather than individual track charges, in order to match ALICE sign convention.
Cluster fit arrow now turned off by default.
Added visualization of MCParticles.
Only draw MC particles up to their specified "EndPoint"
Added suppression of MC particles, with given PDG codes, below specified energy thresholds.
Added output showing the division of energy between MC particles for a calo hit list.
Added visualization of specified detector gaps.
Added muon system to the visualized detector geometry (by default invisible)
Added calo hit title information (interaction lengths, pseudolayers)
Draw charged PFOs even if they contain no associated clusters.

Add checks for incorrect calo hit normal vectors
Tidied entire package, aggressively removing outdated features and support for old root versions (pre ~5.25.00).
Removed lcio dependency.

Update to reflect changes to PandoraPFANew.

TAG v00-01