======= FPCCDData ==========
A class to store all FPCCD's data.
Used by FPCCDDigitizer and FPCCDClustering
packPixelHits(...) copies PixelHit data in _pxHits(PixelDataBuf_t) to LCGenericObject of name VTXPixelHits as integer data and unpackPixelHits(...) copies LCGenericObject to _pxHits.
Format of LCGenericObject is as follows: PixelHits in one ladder are packed in one element.
- First 32 bit word contains layerID and ladderID of the element. Counting bit position from left to right, layerID and ladderID information are stored as follows. bit 31-16: reserved for future use bit 15-8 : layerID bit 7-0 : ladderID
- Last words are for pixel hits in a ladder. Two word is used for each pixel hit. – First word bit 31: 0 bit 30-29 : hit quality bit 0 = hit is created by a single SimTrackerHit of a signal event. 1 = hit is created by multiple SimTrackerHits of a signal event 2 = hit is created by a sigle SimTrackerHit of a signal event and hits by background events 3 = hit is created by multiple SimTrackerHits of a signal event and background events. bit 28-16 : xiID bit 15-0 : zetaID – Second word dEdx value given by SimTrackerHit object. Float value is stored with a help of union.
- Author
- Akiya Miyamoto, KEK: 2010-04-19