MarlinUtil  1.12.1
IMPL Namespace Reference

======= FPCCDData ==========
A class to store all FPCCD's data. More...

Detailed Description

======= FPCCDData ==========
A class to store all FPCCD's data.

Used by FPCCDDigitizer and FPCCDClustering

packPixelHits(...) copies PixelHit data in _pxHits(PixelDataBuf_t) to LCGenericObject of name VTXPixelHits as integer data and unpackPixelHits(...) copies LCGenericObject to _pxHits.

Format of LCGenericObject is as follows: PixelHits in one ladder are packed in one element.

Akiya Miyamoto, KEK: 2010-04-19