MarlinUtil  1.12.1
MarlinCED Member List

This is the complete list of members for MarlinCED, including all inherited members.

_currEvent (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCED
_first (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDprotected
_last (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDprotected
_me (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDprotectedstatic
add_layer_description(const std::string &desc, int layerID) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
draw(Processor *proc, int waitForKeyboard=1)MarlinCEDstatic
drawCalorimeterHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawCluster(Cluster *cluster, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawClusterImpl(const ClusterImpl *cluster, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawDetector(int modelID)MarlinCEDinlinestatic
drawDetectorFromGear(gear::GearMgr *gearMgr) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
drawHelix(float b, float charge, float x, float y, float z, float px, float py, float pz, int marker, int size, unsigned int col, float rmin=10.0, float rmax=3000.0, float zmax=4500.0, unsigned int id=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawHitCollectionsByMCContribution(LCEvent *event, MCParticle *MCP, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDinlineprotectedstatic
drawHitCollectionsByType(LCEvent *event, const char *type, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDinlineprotectedstatic
drawHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawMCParticle(MCParticle *MCP, bool drawSimHits, LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0, double bField=4.0, double rmin=0.0, double zmin=0.0, double rmax=3000.0, double zmax=4500.0, bool drawOnDifferentLayers=true)MarlinCEDstatic
drawMCParticleTree(LCEvent *event, std::string colNameMC, double energyCut, double bField=4.0, double rIn=0.0, double zIn=0.0, double rOut=3000.0, double zOut=4500.0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawObjectsWithPosition(In first, In last, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0, const char *PickingMessage="")MarlinCEDinlinestatic
drawObjectsWithPositionID(LCCollection *col, In first, In last, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDinlinestatic
drawRecoParticle(ReconstructedParticle *reco, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawSimCalorimeterHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawSimHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawSimTrackerHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawSpike(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer, unsigned int id=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawTrack(Track *track, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawTrackerHits(LCEvent *event, int marker, int size, unsigned int color, unsigned int layer=0)MarlinCEDstatic
drawTrajectory(const Trajectory *t, const int marker, const int size, const unsigned int col, const float rmin=10.0, const float rmax=3000.0, const float zmax=4500.0, unsigned int id=0)MarlinCEDstatic
getIDfromIndex(LCCollection *col, int index) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
getParticleFromID(int, LCEvent *) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
init(Processor *proc)MarlinCEDstatic
instance() (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
MarlinCED() (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDinlineprotected
newEvent(Processor *proc, int modelID=0, LCEvent *evt=0)MarlinCEDstatic
printAndDrawMCFamily(MCParticle *part, LCEvent *evt, unsigned int daughterBranches, unsigned int motherBranches, unsigned int daughterIndent=0, unsigned int motherIndent=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCED
printMCFamily(MCParticle *part, unsigned int daughterBranches, unsigned int motherBranches, unsigned int daughterIndent=0, unsigned int motherIndent=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCED
printMCParticle(MCParticle *mcp, int daughterIndent=0, int motherIndent=0) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
set_layer_description(const std::string &desc, int layerID) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic
write_layer_description(void) (defined in MarlinCED)MarlinCEDstatic