42 void fill(
double x,
double w);
82 double integral(
int startbin,
int endbin);
91 int _FullNumberOfBins;
98 double* _UpperIntervalLimit;
Simple class with a histogram-like array without any display features.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.h:11
int getNumberOfEntries(int bin)
Returns number of entries in bin.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:116
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:33
void fill(double x, double w)
Fill a value x with the weight w to the pseudo-histogram.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:58
PseudoHistogram(int NOfBins, double min, double max)
Constructor with number of bins and lower and upper boundaries.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:10
void clearContent()
Clears the content but leaves the structure of the object, i. e. bins and boundaries.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:47
bool isInRange(int bin)
Checks if bin is in range of the pseudo-histogram (over- and underflow bins are taken into account) ...
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:130
int findBin(double x)
Find the bin containing x.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:83
double getBinContent(int bin)
Returns content of bin.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:102
void printContent()
Prints content of the pseudo-histogram on the standard output.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:160
double integral(int startbin, int endbin)
Returns the weighted sum of the pseudo-histogram within startbin and endbin.
Definition: PseudoHistogram.cc:141