MarlinTrkProcessors  2.4.1
1 #ifndef HIT_H
2 #define HIT_H
3 //
4 // Based on the FTF code written by Pablo Yepes.
5 //
6 // P. Yepes, “A fast track pattern recognition,”
7 // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A
8 // 380(1996) pp. 582-585.
9 //
11 #include "TrackUtil.h"
13 namespace ftf
14 {
15  class Track;
17  class Hit
18  {
19  public:
20  // attributes
21  int id ;
22  short row; // Row #
23  Track* track; // track to which the pnt was assigned
24  Hit* nextTrackHit; // Next track hit
26  double xyChi2 ; // Chi2 in xy
27  double szChi2 ; // Chi2 in sz
28  double x ;
29  double y ;
30  double z ;
31  double dx ; // error on the x coordinate
32  double dy ; // error on the y coordinate
33  double dz ; // error on the z coordinate
34  double q ; // total charge assigned to this point
35  double wxy ; // x-y weight x-y
36  double wz ; // z weight on z
37  double s ; // Track trajectory
38  short phiIndex ; // Phi index
39  short etaIndex ; // Eta index
40  //
41  Hit* nextVolumeHit ; // Next volume hit
42  Hit* nextRowHit ; // Next row hit
43  double r ; // radius
44  double phi ; // azimuthal angle
45  double dphi ; // Error in phi
46  double eta ; // hit pseudorapidity
47  double xp ; // x conformal coordinate
48  double yp ; // y conformal coordinate
50  // methods
51  void print ( ) ;
52  void print ( int level ) ;
53  void printLinks ( ) ;
54  void printLinks ( int level ) ;
55  void setTrack ( Track* this_track ) ;
56  } ;
57 } // end namespace ftf;
58 #endif
Definition: Track.h:23
Definition: Hit.h:17