testSignalSplitter A programme to see the performance of the SignalSplitter class in reconstruction. The input are the parameters of two Gaussian distributions. The output are the digitised values for both Gaussians, the sum of both signals as well as the split signals. Usage: testSignalSplitter binWidth sigma1 sigma2 offset amplitude1 amplitude2 binWidth: The with of one bin (in arbitrary units) sigma1: The width of the first gaussian (in the same units as the bin width) sigma2: The width of the second gaussian offset: Distance between the two maxima amplitude1: Amplitude of the first gaussian (in ADC counts) amplitude2: Amplitude of the second gaussian (in ADC counts) The location of the fist maximum is at 3*sigma1, of the second maximum is "offset" away from it. Sampling starts at 0 (3 sigma1 left of the first maximum) and ends at 3*sigma1 + offset + 3*sigma2 (3 sigma2 right of the second maximum. The output first is done in one pulse per line (for better human readability) followed by all values of one time sample per line (e. g. for visualisation using gnuplot). Example: Run the programme and pipe the output to a file $> testSignalSplitter 0.7 0.9 0.9 3.4 20 20 > plotme.txt Use gnuplot to visualise: $>gnuplot gnuplot> plot "plotme.txt" using 1:5 with histeps title "split1", "plotme.txt" using 1:6 with histeps title "split2", "plotme.txt" using 1:4 with histeps title "pulse1 + pulse2" Or run the gnuplot macro provided in this directory: gnuplot> load "plotSplitSignals.gpl" The output of this example is shown in SignalSplitterDemo.pdf