TPCCondData Build Modes ----------------------- This directory contains a special CMakelists.txt which allows to build only the TPCCondData library without the rest of MarlinTPC. For this stand-alone build only: -lcio -lccd -CLHEP (Definitions of vector data types; preferred to ROOT-dependency) have to be installed. The CMakeLists.txt is also used, when the build of TPCCondData is initiated as part of a MarlinTPC build. This will prevent the implementation of incorrect dependencies on MarlinTPC. These would break the stand-alone build feature of TPCCondData, which has happened in the past. For a stand-alone build you will need to create or change into the build directory in tpcconddata: Steps: > tpcconddata/build > cmake -C /PATH/TO/YOUR/ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake .. > # Don't forget the two dots at the end of the previous line! > make > make install The will be in tpcconddata/lib, the include files in tpcconddata/include Alternative Install Path ------------------------ In case the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is specified by the -D option during the cmake run, the following directory structure will be created instead: $(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREXFIX)/include/TPCCondData $(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREXFIX)/lib $(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREXFIX)/bin (currently not used by TPCCondData) Documentation: -------------- In order to build the documentation for TPCCondData please type: > make TPCCondDatadoc It is currently not activated during the normal build.