double frequencyMHz,
double peakingTime,
double nElectronsDynamicRange,
int ADCMaxValue,
48 void add(
double startTime,
int nElectrons);
53 double _gamma4(
double x,
double ADCChargeValue,
double startTime);
double _peakingTime
Peaking time ALTRO electronics in ns(time from start of pulse to maximum)
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.h:56
Implementation of the ALTRO electronics shaping and ADC.
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.h:30
ALTROADCPulse(double frequencyMHz, double peakingTime, double nElectronsDynamicRange, int ADCMaxValue, int threshold)
The constructor.
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.cc:18
void add(double startTime, int nElectrons)
Add signal from charge (nElectrons) arriving.
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.cc:41
double _gamma4(double x, double ADCChargeValue, double startTime)
gamma4 shaping function
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.cc:32
double _g4expPar1
helper variable to avoid recalculation: exp(shaping function order)
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.h:55
double _g4Par1
shaping function order
Definition: ALTROADCPulse.h:54
A base class interface which holds the raw data of the pulse and represents the ADC and its shaping a...
Definition: ADCPulse.h:16