########################################## # # # Example steering file for marlin # # # ########################################## .begin Global --------------------------------------- LCIOInputFiles simjob.slcio # the active processors that are called in the given order ActiveProcessors MyAIDAProcessor ActiveProcessors MyTestProcessor ActiveProcessors MyLCIOOutputProcessor # limit the number of processed records (run+evt): MaxRecordNumber 5001 # don't call the check method of the processors if "true" SupressCheck false .end ----------------------------------------------- .begin MyAIDAProcessor ProcessorType AIDAProcessor #---Processor that handles AIDA files. Creates on directory per processor. Processors only need to create and fill the histograms, clouds and tuples. Needs to be the first ActiveProcessor # compression of output file 0: false >0: true (default) # type: [int] # default: 1 Compress 1 # filename without extension # type: [string] # default: aida_file FileName aida_file # type of output file xml (default) or root ( only OpenScientist) # type: [string] # default: xml FileType xml .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyCEDViewer ProcessorType CEDViewer #---CEDViewer: event display of LCIO objects - based on CED by A.Zhelezov. # collection to be displayed ( ColName, marker type[0-2], size) # type: [StringVec] # example: # DrawCollection DrawCollection 0 3 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyCalorimeterFinalStage ProcessorType CalorimeterFinalStage #---CalorimeterFinalStage # Cluster Input Collection Name # type: [string] # default: CalorimeterStage3Clusters ClusterInputCollection CalorimeterStage3Clusters # Cluster Output Collection Name # type: [string] # default: ClustersMagic ClusterOutputCollection ClustersMagic # Minimal Hits in Cluster # type: [int] # default: 0 MinimalHits 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyClusterCheater ProcessorType ClusterCheater #---Creates true clusters... # Calorimeter Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ECAL HCAL CaloCollections ECAL HCAL # Magnetic Field # type: [float] # default: 4 MagneticField 4 # Minimal Hits in Cluster # type: [int] # default: 10 MinimalHits 10 # Hit To Cluster Proximity Cut # type: [float] # default: 1200 ProximityCut 1200 # SimCaloHit to CaloHit Relations Collection Name # type: [string] # default: RelationCaloHit RelCollection RelationCaloHit # Trace Whole Shower Tree # type: [int] # default: 1 TraceWholeShower 1 # Collection of True Clusters # type: [string] # default: TrueClusters TrueClusterCollection TrueClusters .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyFTDDigiProcessor ProcessorType FTDDigiProcessor #---FTDDigiProcessor should create FTD TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits # Name of the SimTrackerHit collection # type: [string] # default: ftd01_FTD CollectionName ftd01_FTD .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyFox ProcessorType Fox #---Fox calculates Fox-Wolfram moments # Numbers of the moments that are to be calculate 0-th is calculate by default # type: [IntVec] # default: CalculateFoxWolframMoments # Name of the ReconstructedParticle collection # type: [string] # default: RecoParticles NameOfReconstructedParticlesCollection RecoParticles .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyGenericViewer ProcessorType GenericViewer #---Drawing Utility # Calo Hit Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ECAL HCAL CaloHitCollections ECAL HCAL # Cluster Collection Name # type: [string] # default: ClustersAR ClusterCollection ClustersAR # Detector Model # type: [int] # default: 0 DetectorModel 0 # Layer for Calo Hits # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerCaloHit -1 # Layer for Reco Clusters # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerClusters -1 # Layer for Reco Particles # type: [int] # default: 9 LayerReco 9 # Layer for Sim Calo Hits # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerSimCaloHit -1 # Layer for Sim Tracker Hits # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerSimTrackerHit -1 # Layer for Tracker Hits # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerTrackerHit -1 # Layer for Tracks # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerTracks -1 # Layer for True Clusters # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerTrueClusters -1 # Layer for True Tracks # type: [int] # default: -1 LayerTrueTracks -1 # Magnetic Field # type: [float] # default: 4 MagneticField 4 # Particle Collection Name # type: [string] # default: RecoParticles ParticleCollection RecoParticles # Sim Calo Hit Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap hcalFeRPC1_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeRPC1_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeRPC1_HcalEndCaps SimCaloHitCollections ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap hcalFeRPC1_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeRPC1_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeRPC1_HcalEndCaps # Sim Tracker Hit Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: tpc03_TPC SimTrackerHitCollections tpc03_TPC # Track Collection Name # type: [string] # default: TPC_Tracks TrackCollection TPC_Tracks # Tracker Hit Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: TPCTrackerHits TrackerHitCollections TPCTrackerHits # True Cluster Collection Name # type: [string] # default: TrueClusters TrueClusterCollection TrueClusters # True Track Collection Name # type: [string] # default: TrueTracks TrueTrackCollection TrueTracks .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyHEP_RecordProcessor ProcessorType HEP_RecordProcessor #---HEP record balance and drawing .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyLCIOOutputProcessor ProcessorType LCIOOutputProcessor #---Writes the current event to the specified LCIO outputfile. Needs to be the last ActiveProcessor. # drops the named collections from the event # type: [StringVec] # example: # DropCollectionNames TPCHits HCalHits # drops all collections of the given type from the event # type: [StringVec] # example: # DropCollectionTypes SimTrackerHit SimCalorimeterHit # name of output file # type: [string] # default: outputfile.slcio LCIOOutputFile outputfile.slcio # write mode for output file: WRITE_APPEND or WRITE_NEW # type: [string] # default: None LCIOWriteMode None .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyLEPTrackingProcessor ProcessorType LEPTrackingProcessor #---Produces Track collection from TPC TrackerHit collections using LEP tracking algorithms # Name of the TPC Track MC Relation collection # type: [string] # default: MCTracksRel MCTrackRelCollectionName MCTracksRel # Name of the TPC Track collection # type: [string] # default: TPCTracks TPCTrackCollectionName TPCTracks # Name of the TPC TrackerHit collection # type: [string] # default: TPCTrackerHits TPCTrackerHitCollectionName TPCTrackerHits # Name of the VTX TrackerHit collection # type: [string] # default: VTXTrackerHits VTXTrackerHitCollectionName VTXTrackerHits .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyMokkaCaloDigi ProcessorType MokkaCaloDigi #---Mokka digitizer... # Calibration coefficients for ECAL # type: [FloatVec] # default: 31.3 83 CalibrECAL 31.3 83 # Calibration coefficients for HCAL # type: [FloatVec] # default: 27.3 CalibrHCAL 27.3 # ECAL Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap ECALCollections ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap # Index of ECal Layers # type: [IntVec] # default: 30 100 ECALLayers 30 100 # Threshold for ECAL Hits in GeV # type: [float] # default: 1e-04 ECALThreshold 1e-04 # HCAL Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeScintillator_HcalEndCaps HCALCollections hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeScintillator_HcalEndCaps # Index of HCal Layers # type: [IntVec] # default: 100 HCALLayers 100 # Threshold for HCAL Hits in GeV # type: [float] # default: 0.0004 HCALThreshold 0.0004 # Digital Ecal # type: [int] # default: 0 IfDigitalEcal 0 # Digital Hcal # type: [int] # default: 0 IfDigitalHcal 0 # name for the new collection # type: [string] # default: ECAL NewECALCollName ECAL # size of the new cell (integer) # type: [int] # default: 3 NewHCALCellSize 3 # name for the new collection # type: [string] # default: HCAL NewHCALCollName HCAL .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MySatoruJetFinderProcessor ProcessorType SatoruJetFinderProcessor #---A multi algorithm jet finder # Set debug level # type: [int] # example: # Debug 0 # mode for manual alogorithm selection, see documentation for details # type: [string] # example: # GlobalMode 0A # Collection of reconstructed particles # type: [string] # default: Unset InputCollection Unset # Merging mode, if mode is "manual" # type: [int] # example: # MergingMode 0 # Merging threshold, if mode is "manual" # type: [float] # example: # MergingThreshold 0 # Select predefined algorithms for jet finding(or "manual") # type: [string] # default: manual Mode manual # Force everything to N jets(if supported by current mode) # type: [int] # example: # NJetRequested 4 # Name of collection with the found jets # type: [string] # default: Unset OutputCollection Unset # Primary jet finding mode, if mode is "manual" # type: [int] # example: # PrimaryJetFindingMode 0 # Secong jet finding mode, if mode is "manual" # type: [int] # example: # SecondJetFindingMode 0 # Threshold, if mode is "manual" # type: [float] # example: # Threshold 0 # YCut for jet finding algorithm(if supported by current mode) # type: [float] # example: # YCut 0 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MySelectReconstructedParticle ProcessorType SelectReconstructedParticle #---SelectReconstructedParticle: Selects particles from all reconstructed particles to be used for the thrust finder # Minimum momentum a particle has to have to be used for the thrust calculation # type: [float] # default: 0 MinimumMomentum 0 # Collection of reconstructed particles to chose from # type: [string] # default: ReconstructedParticle inputCollectionName ReconstructedParticle # Collection of selected reconstructed particles # type: [string] # default: SelectedReconstructedParticle outputCollectionName SelectedReconstructedParticle .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MySimpleCaloDigi ProcessorType SimpleCaloDigi #---Performs simple digitization of sim calo hits... # Calibration coefficients for ECAL # type: [FloatVec] # default: 31.3 83 CalibrECAL 31.3 83 # Calibration coefficients for HCAL # type: [FloatVec] # default: 27.3 CalibrHCAL 27.3 # ECAL Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap ECALCollections ecal02_EcalBarrel ecal02_EcalEndcap # Index of ECal Layers # type: [IntVec] # default: 30 100 ECALLayers 30 100 # ECAL Collection of real Hits # type: [string] # default: ECAL ECALOutputCollection ECAL # Threshold for ECAL Hits in GeV # type: [float] # default: 1e-04 ECALThreshold 1e-04 # HCAL Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeScintillator_HcalEndCaps HCALCollections hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelEnd hcalFeScintillator_HcalBarrelReg hcalFeScintillator_HcalEndCaps # Index of HCal Layers # type: [IntVec] # default: 100 HCALLayers 100 # HCAL Collection of real Hits # type: [string] # default: HCAL HCALOutputCollection HCAL # Threshold for HCAL Hits in GeV # type: [float] # default: 0.0004 HCALThreshold 0.0004 # Digital Ecal # type: [int] # default: 0 IfDigitalEcal 0 # Digital Hcal # type: [int] # default: 0 IfDigitalHcal 0 # CaloHit Relation Collection # type: [string] # default: RelationCaloHit RelationOutputCollection RelationCaloHit .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MySimpleFastMCProcessor ProcessorType SimpleFastMCProcessor #---SimpleFastMCProcessor creates ReconstrcutedParticles from MCParticles according to the resolution given in the steering file. # Resolution of charged particles in polar angle range: d(1/P) th_min th_max # type: [FloatVec] # default: 5e-05 0 1.5708 ChargedResolution 5e-05 0 1.5708 # Name of the MCParticle input collection # type: [string] # default: MCParticle InputCollectionName MCParticle # No reconstructed particles are produced for smaller momenta (in [GeV]) # type: [float] # default: 0.001 MomentumCut 0.001 # Resolution dE/E=A+B/sqrt(E/GeV) of neutral hadrons in polar angle range: A B th_min th_max # type: [FloatVec] # default: 0.04 0.5 0 1.5708 NeutralHadronResolution 0.04 0.5 0 1.5708 # Resolution dE/E=A+B/sqrt(E/GeV) of photons in polar angle range: A B th_min th_max # type: [FloatVec] # default: 0.01 0.1 0 1.5708 PhotonResolution 0.01 0.1 0 1.5708 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MySphere ProcessorType Sphere #---Sphere calculates eigenvalues of sphericity tensor # Name of the ReconstructedParticle collection # type: [string] # default: RecontructedParticle CollectionName RecontructedParticle # name of parameter to store the results # type: [string] # default: sphericity_tensor_eigenvalues eigenvalues_parameter_name sphericity_tensor_eigenvalues # exponent in sphericity tensor use 2.0 for classical 1.0 for C,D # type: [float] # default: 2 r_value 2 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyStdHepReader ProcessorType StdHepReader #---Reads StdHep files as input and creates LCIO events with MCParticle collections. Make sure to not specify any LCIOInputFiles in the steering in order to read StdHep files. # input file # type: [string] # default: input.stdhep StdHepFileName input.stdhep .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyTPCDigiProcessor ProcessorType TPCDigiProcessor #---Produces TPC TrackerHit collection from SimTrackerHit collection, smeared in RPhi and Z # Name of the SimTrackerHit collection # type: [string] # default: tpc04_TPC CollectionName tpc04_TPC .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyTestProcessor ProcessorType TestProcessor #---Simple processor to test the marlin application. Prints run and event number. .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyThrustReconstruction ProcessorType ThrustReconstruction #---Calculates thrust axis and thrust value of event using different algorithms # Name of collection of reconstructed particles used for thrust reconstruction # type: [string] # default: SelectedReconstructedParticle inputCollectionName SelectedReconstructedParticle # Type of thrust reconstruction algorithm to be used: # 1 : Tasso algorithm # 2 : JetSet algorithm # type: [int] # default: 2 typeOfThrustFinder 2 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyTrackCheater ProcessorType TrackCheater #---Creates true tracks... # Magnetic Field # type: [float] # default: 4 BField 4 # Cut On Fit Chi2 # type: [float] # default: 30 Chi2Cut 30 # Energy Cut # type: [float] # default: 0.2 ECut 0.2 # Flag to Fit True Track # type: [int] # default: 1 FitTrueTrack 1 # Cut on distance from hit to helix # type: [float] # default: 50 HitToHelixDist 50 # Cut on distance from hit to helix used in fit # type: [float] # default: 15 HitToHelixInFit 15 # Minimal Hits in Track Cluster # type: [int] # default: 4 MinimalHits 4 # Tracker Hit Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: TPCTrackerHits TPCTrackerHits TrackerHitCollections TPCTrackerHits TPCTrackerHits # Collection of True Clusters # type: [string] # default: TrueTracks TrueTrackCollection TrueTracks .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyTrackwiseClustering ProcessorType TrackwiseClustering #--- description not set by author # Cluster Collection Name # type: [string] # default: ClustersAR ClusterCollection ClustersAR # Display Info on Clusters # type: [int] # default: 0 DisplayClusterInfo 0 # Distance to Define Direction # type: [float] # default: 25 DistanceForDirection 25 # Distance To Merge Forward # type: [FloatVec] # default: 50 100 DistanceMergeForward 50 100 # Distance to Track Seed # type: [float] # default: 25 DistanceToTrackSeed 25 # Distance to Track Back # type: [FloatVec] # default: 100 500 DistanceTrackBack 100 500 # Do Merging # type: [int] # default: 1 DoMerging 1 # Ecal Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: ECAL EcalCollections ECAL # Hcal Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: HCAL HcalCollections HCAL # Maximal Hits To Merge # type: [int] # default: 50 MaximalHitsToMerge 50 # Minimal allowed hits in cluster # type: [int] # default: 10 MinimalHitsInCluster 10 # N hits scan to merge forward # type: [int] # default: 10 NScanToMergeForward 10 # N hits to define SP # type: [int] # default: 5 NToDefineSP 5 # Resolution Parameter # type: [FloatVec] # default: 20 80 ResolutionParameter 20 80 # Resolution To Merge Halo Hits # type: [float] # default: 400 ResolutionToMerge 400 # Step to Track Back # type: [FloatVec] # default: 10 100 StepTrackBack 10 100 # Track Collection Names # type: [StringVec] # default: Track TrackCollections Track # Type of Generic Distance # type: [int] # default: 0 TypeOfGenericDistance 0 # Use tracks to seed clusters # type: [int] # default: 0 UseTracking 0 # Weight For Distance # type: [float] # default: 1 WeightForDistance 1 # Weight For Resolution # type: [float] # default: 1 WeightForResolution 1 .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyVTXDigiProcessor ProcessorType VTXDigiProcessor #---VTXDigiProcessor should create VTX TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits # Name of the SimTrackerHit collection # type: [string] # default: vxd00_VXD CollectionName vxd00_VXD .end ------------------------------------------------- .begin MyWolf ProcessorType Wolf #---Particle Reconstruction # Magnetic field # type: [float] # default: 4 BField 4 # Cluster Collection Name # type: [string] # default: ClustersAR ClusterCollection ClustersAR # Dist Merge Cut # type: [float] # default: 150 DistMergeCut 150 # Distance from Track Seed to Cluster # type: [float] # default: 50 DistanceTrackToCluster 50 # Fraction of EM Energy # type: [float] # default: 0.95 FractionEM 0.95 # Hcal Resolution # type: [float] # default: 0.5 HcalResolution 0.5 # Lower Momentum # type: [float] # default: 5 LowerMomentum 5 # Merge Clusters # type: [int] # default: 1 MergeClusters 1 # Native Track Fitter # type: [int] # default: 0 NativeTrackFitter 0 # Particle Collection Name # type: [string] # default: RecoParticles ParticleCollection RecoParticles # Cut on D0 for tracks # type: [float] # default: 50 RPhiCut 50 # Track Collection Name # type: [string] # default: TPC_Tracks TrackCollection TPC_Tracks # Cut on Z0 for tracks # type: [float] # default: 50 ZCut 50 .end -------------------------------------------------