MarlinFastJet is a small wrapper around the FastJet library for Jet Finding.
It has access to a many of the Infrared and Collinear Safe jet finding algorithms like kt_algorithm, anti_kt_algorithm and SISCone.
The most used algorithms are kt_algorithm, cambridge_algorithm, antikt_algorithm, ee_kt_algorithm and SISConePlugin. For a complete list start the processor and look at the log (MESSAGE). The corresponding parameter is "algorithm", and it takes at least the algorithm name, plus its paramers (if any, typically R).
This processor support 4 different kind of clustering modes, but not each mode is supported by each algorithm. It can be set via the parameter "clusteringMode" in the steering file.
We have available:
<marlin xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<processor name="MyFastJetProcessor">
<processor name="MyLCIOOutputProcessor">
<parameter name="LCIOInputFiles"> myfile.slcio </parameter>
<parameter name="SkipNEvents" value="0">
<parameter name="SupressCheck" value="false">
<parameter name="Verbosity" options="DEBUG0-4,MESSAGE0-4,WARNING0-4,ERROR0-4,SILENT"> MESSAGE </parameter>
<processor name="MyFastJetProcessor" type="FastJetProcessor"> <br /> <parameter name="algorithm" type="StringVec">kt_algorithm 0.75</parameter> <br /> <parameter name="clusteringMode" type="StringVec"> InclusiveIterativeNJets 4 10</parameter> <br /> <parameter name="jetOut" type="string" lcioOutType="ReconstructedParticle">JetOut </parameter> <br /> <parameter name="recParticleIn" type="string" lcioInType="ReconstructedParticle"> PandoraPFANewPFOs </parameter> <br /> <parameter name="recombinationScheme" type="string">E_scheme </parameter> <br /> </processor> <br /> <processor name="MyLCIOOutputProcessor" type="LCIOOutputProcessor"> <br /> <parameter name="LCIOOutputFile" type="string">outputfile.slcio </parameter> <br /> <parameter name="LCIOWriteMode" type="string">WRITE_NEW</parameter> <br /> <br /> </processor> <br />