To DO for MarlinGUI: ==================== * don't allow to add new processor without a name ! done 20061212 * optionally scan N events for missing collection names ? TO DO for Marlin (from v00-07) =============================== * support global parameters registered in processor * users want mechanism to define limits on file size and/or number of events in output file -> maybe also some parsing feature to allow to specify file sets for input and output a la fpack: run00001-run01000.slcio ? TO DO for Marlin (from v00-06) =============================== * read chain of files in done 20041223 TO DO for Marlin (from v00-03) =============================== * generate warning instead of error message if less than MaxRecordNumber records read done 20041110 * implement verbosity level for output * implement error handling/messages * improve handling/documentation of steering parameters / modules - Marlin -l : list all kown modules and their steering parameters done20041115 - create default steering file from registered modules .... done 2004123 -> in -l - allow leading whitespace in steering file done20041115 * develop AIDAProcessor for producing AIDA/root histograms done 20041115 * make AIDAProcessor optional part of kernel marlin done 20041115 * provide default AIDA/JNI implementation on DL5 done 20041123 * develop makefiles to build applications from several libraries/packages done 20041202 -> examples/mymarlin/src/GNUmakefile