// // Template for doxygen based documentation of Marlin processors. // /** Short description of processor - the first sentence, i.\ e.\ everything to the first * '.' not followed by a '\'. * * Here we should have a full description of the processor, i.e. describing the purpose and * the algorithm and all the details needed to run this processor in a meaning full way. * It should be written so that also non-experts can use this class in their programs. * *

Input collections and prerequisites

* Summarize what (mandatory?) input collections are needed or other prerequisites, e.g. a particular * processor that has to be run before this one - which typically should be avoided in order to keep * MarlinReco modular. * *


* Output colection(s) of the processor and/or other output like histograms. * * List all steering file parameters with the \@param tag: * * @param CollectionName Name of the MCParticle collection * @param EnergyCut energy cut for MC particles * * * @author F. Gaede, DESY * @version $Id: doxygen_template.txt,v 1.1 2005-10-11 12:55:53 gaede Exp $ */