This is the complete list of members for lcfiplus::LCIOStorer, including all inherited members.
AutoConvert() | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
energy_sort_pfo(lcio::ReconstructedParticle *a, lcio::ReconstructedParticle *b) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | static |
EventStoreObserver() | lcfiplus::EventStoreObserver | inline |
GetCallback(const char *name, const char *classname) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | virtual |
getIgnoreLackOfVertexRP() const | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
getParticleIDAlgorithmName() | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
getReadSubdetectorEnergies() const | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
getTrackHitOrdering() const | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
getUpdateVertexRPDaughters() const | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
InitJetCollection(const char *lcioName, const char *flavtagName, bool readnow=true, bool readvtx=true, const char *vtxname=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
InitMCPPFOCollections(const char *pfoColName, const char *mcColName, const char *mcpfoColName) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
InitPFOCollections(const char *pfoColName) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
InitVertexCollection(const char *lcioName, const char *flavtagName, bool readnow=true) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
LCIOStorer(const char *inputfile=NULL, const char *outputfile=NULL, bool autoread=true, bool autowrite=false, const char *outPrefix=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
Next(bool autovertex=false, bool autojet=false) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
ReadJets(const char *jetname, vector< const Jet * > *lcficol, const char *vtxrelname=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
ReadVertices(const char *vtxname, vector< const Vertex * > *lcficol) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
RegisterCallback(const char *, const char *, int) | lcfiplus::EventStoreObserver | inlinevirtual |
SetColorSinglets(vector< MCParticle * > &mcps, vector< MCColorSinglet * > &mccs) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
SetEvent(lcio::LCEvent *event) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
setIgnoreLackOfVertexRP(bool flag) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
setParticleIDAlgorithmName(const char *algoName) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
setReadSubdetectorEnergies(bool flag) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
setTrackHitOrdering(int flag) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
setUpdateVertexRPDaughters(bool flag) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | inline |
WriteAllPIDs(lcio::LCCollection *lciocol, lcio::ReconstructedParticle *lciojet, const lcfiplus::Jet *lcfijet) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
WriteEvent() | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
WriteJets(const char *jetName, const char *outName=0, bool writeVertex=true, const char *vtxName=0, const char *relName=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
WritePID(lcio::LCCollection *lciocol, lcio::ReconstructedParticle *lciojet, const lcfiplus::Jet *lcfijet, const char *paramname) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
WriteVertices(const char *vertexName, const char *outName=0, const char *outRPName=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
WriteVertices(VertexVec *pvvtx, const char *newName, const char *newRPName=0) | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | |
~EventStoreObserver() | lcfiplus::EventStoreObserver | inlinevirtual |
~LCIOStorer() | lcfiplus::LCIOStorer | virtual |