LCFIPlus  0.6.5
Namespaces | Functions
algoEtc.h File Reference
#include "lcfiplus.h"
#include "JetFinder.h"

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void lcfiplus::algoEtc::makeBeamTracks (Track *&t1, Track *&t2, bool smear=true)
void lcfiplus::algoEtc::makeBeamVertex (Vertex *&vtx, bool smear=true)
void lcfiplus::algoEtc::connectVerticesToJets (const JetVec &jets, const vector< Vertex * > &vtcs, vector< vector< Vertex * > > &jetVertices, vector< vector< const Track * > > &jetResidualTracks, const Vertex *ip=0)
vector< const Track * > lcfiplus::algoEtc::extractTracks (VertexVec &vtx)
double lcfiplus::algoEtc::calcThrust (vector< TVector3 > &list, TVector3 &taxis)
bool lcfiplus::algoEtc::SimpleSecMuonFinder (const Track *tr, double d0sigth, double z0sigth, double maxpos, double mudepmin, double ecaldepmin, double ecaldepmax, double hcaldepmin, double hcaldepmax, double maxclusterpertrackenergy=10.)
bool lcfiplus::algoEtc::SimpleSecElectronFinder (const Track *tr, double d0sigth, double z0sigth, double maxpos, double emin, double minfracecal, double minecalpertrackenergy, double maxecalpertrackenergy)