This is the complete list of members for lcfiplus::Helix, including all inherited members.
ClosePoint(const Helix &hel) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
ClosePoint(const VertexLine &line, double *distance=0) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
FindZCross(double x, double y, double &zi, double &zp) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetCenter(double &x, double &y) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPos(double t) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPosDerivT(double t) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPosErr(double t, SVector3 &pos, SMatrixSym3 &err) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPosErr(double t, SVector3 &pos, SMatrixSym3 &err, SMatrix53 &trackToXyz) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPosErrDeriv(double t, SVector3 &pos, SMatrixSym3 &err) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
GetPosErrDeriv2(double t, SVector3 &pos, SMatrixSym3 &err) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
Helix() | lcfiplus::Helix | inline |
Helix(const SVector5 &hel, const SMatrixSym5 &err, int charge) | lcfiplus::Helix | inline |
Helix(const Track *trk) | lcfiplus::Helix | |
Helix(const Helix &ref) | lcfiplus::Helix | inline |
id0 enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
iom enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
iph enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
itd enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
iz0 enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
LogLikelihood(const TVector3 &p) const | lcfiplus::Helix | inlinevirtual |
LogLikelihood(const TVector3 &p, double &tmin) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
LogLikelihoodDeriv(const TVector3 &p, double *output) const | lcfiplus::Helix | virtual |
LongitudinalDeviation(const Vertex *ip, const Vertex *sec) | lcfiplus::Helix | |
par enum name | lcfiplus::Helix | |
parN enum value | lcfiplus::Helix | |
PointBase() | lcfiplus::PointBase | inlineprotected |
SMatrix3 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SMatrix35 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SMatrix53 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SMatrixSym3 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SMatrixSym5 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SVector3 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
SVector5 typedef | lcfiplus::Helix | |
Variance(const TVector3 &p, double t) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
VarianceDeriv(const TVector3 &p, double t) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
VarianceDeriv2(const TVector3 &p, double t) const | lcfiplus::Helix | |
~Helix() | lcfiplus::Helix | inline |
~PointBase() | lcfiplus::PointBase | inlinevirtual |