LCFIPlus  0.6.5
Namespaces | Functions
algoSigProb.h File Reference
#include "lcfiplus.h"
#include "JetFinder.h"
#include "TH1.h"

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bool lcfiplus::algoSigProb::trackSelectionForFlavorTag (const Track *trk, int nHitCut)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::trackD0Significance (const Track *trk, const Vertex *pri)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::trackZ0Significance (const Track *trk, const Vertex *pri)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::signedD0Significance (const Track *trk, const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, bool updateFlt=false)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::signedZ0Significance (const Track *trk, const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, bool updateFlt=false)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::signedD0 (const Track *trk, const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, bool updateFlt=false)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::signedZ0 (const Track *trk, const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, bool updateFlt=false)
void lcfiplus::algoSigProb::findMostSignificantTrack (const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, int minhitcut, double sigVec[6])
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::prob1D (double sig, double maxsig, double *pars)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::trackProbD0 (const Track *trk, const Vertex *pri)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::trackProbZ0 (const Track *trk, const Vertex *pri)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::jointProbD0 (const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, int minhitcut, double maxd0sigcut=1e+300, bool useVertexTracks=true)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::jointProbZ0 (const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, int minhitcut, double maxz0sigcut=1e+300, bool useVertexTracks=true)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::jointProb2D0 (const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, int minhitcut, double maxd0sigcut, bool useVertexTracks, const TH1 *jh1, const TH1 *jh2)
double lcfiplus::algoSigProb::jointProb2Z0 (const Jet *jet, const Vertex *pri, int minhitcut, double maxz0sigcut, bool useVertexTracks, const TH1 *jh1, const TH1 *jh2)