######################################################## # cmake file for building KalFit libraries # @author Jan Engels, DESY # @author F. Gaede, DESY CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED( VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR ) ######################################################## # project name PROJECT( KalTest ) # project version SET( KalTest_VERSION_MAJOR 2 ) SET( KalTest_VERSION_MINOR 2 ) SET( KalTest_VERSION_PATCH 0 ) cmake_policy(SET CMP0008 NEW) ### DEPENDENCIES ############################################################ FIND_PACKAGE( ILCUTIL COMPONENTS ILCSOFT_CMAKE_MODULES REQUIRED ) FIND_PACKAGE( ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Eve) LINK_LIBRARIES( ${ROOT_COMPONENT_LIBRARIES} ) # load default settings from ILCSOFT_CMAKE_MODULES INCLUDE( ilcsoft_default_settings ) # macros for generating root dict sources with rootcint SET( ROOT_DICT_CINT_DEFINITIONS "-DHANDLE_DICT_EXCEPTIONS=IGNORED_FOR_CINT" ) INCLUDE( ${ROOT_DICT_MACROS_FILE} ) ### LIBRARY AND TOOLS ####################################################### # require proper c++ #ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" ) #----- need long long for int64 for now ------ #ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-Wno-long-long -fno-strict-aliasing" ) #---- use 5 dimensional track state: OPTION( BUILD_WITH_T0_FIT "Set to ON to build with t0 fit (kSdim=6)" OFF ) IF( NOT BUILD_WITH_T0_FIT) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -D __NOT0__ ) ENDIF() ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./src ) # --------- kaltest examples ------------------------------------------------- # if this option is set to ON examples will be built with default target 'make' # if set to OFF examples will only be built with target 'make examples' OPTION( BUILD_EXAMPLES "Set to ON to build examples" OFF ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_EXAMPLES = ${BUILD_EXAMPLES}" ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( ./examples/kaltest ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # display some variables and write them to cache DISPLAY_STD_VARIABLES() # generate and install following configuration files GENERATE_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION_FILES( KalTestConfig.cmake KalTestConfigVersion.cmake KalTestLibDeps.cmake )