examples/ClientTests ==================== A set of example detectors used to debug special conditions or problematic assemblies from users. LHeD_tracker ------------ by Ercan Pilicier Detector constructors: LheD_tracker_BeamPipe_geo.cpp LheD_tracker_SiVertexBarrel_geo.cpp Compact XML: compact/LheD_tracker.xml Script: scripts/LheD_tracker.py Example of the LHeC vertex detector and the beampipe using elliptical tubes. (TGeoEltu). FCC_Hcal: -------- by Carlos Solans Detector constructor: src/FCC_Hcal.cpp Compact XML: compact/FCC_HcalBarrel.xml FCC Hadron calorimeter Comes together with the Geant4 simulation script scripts/FCC_Hcal.py If you want to run Geant4 bootstrapped by a ROOT-AClick, have a look at scripts/FCC_Hcal.C IronCylinder: ------------- by Markus Frank Detector constructor: src/IronCylinder_geo.cpp Compact XML: compact/IronCylinder.xml Simple iron cylinder MiniTel: -------- Marco Clemecic & Anastasia Karachaliou Detector constructor: src/MiniTel.cpp Compact XML: compact/MiniTel.xml Simple telescope like detector setup with a number of silicon pixel detectors. Comes together with the Geant4 simulation script scripts/MiniTel.py Assemblies_VXD: -------------- Frank Gade Detector constructor: src/Assemblies_VXD_geo.cpp Compact XML: compact/Assemblies.xml Test for nested assemblies using a mockup of the ILD vertex detector. Test for the conversion of nested assemblies to Geant4 volumes.