Proposal for detector constructor names ======================================= Detector constructors are identified by a unique name. This name is identical to the name of the creating factory object. This small writeup is a proposal to properly name these factory methods in order to avoid nameing clashes. - Experiment specific detector constructors names have the experiment name as a namespace prefix examples: CLIC_, ILD_, etc. - Experiment specific detector constructors reside in experiment specific packages such as ddsim (for ILD). - Generic DD4hep detectors will have the prefix DD4hep_ __or__ (to be discussed) - Generic DD4hep detectors will have no prefix - Generic DD4hep detector constructors reside in the package DDDetectors (to be created) In case a experiment specific detector constructor is sufficiently generic that it could be applied in several detector designs and hence the visiblility should be upgraded, the detector constructor may be imported to DDDetectors. - Consequently the detector constructor prefix has to change. - For some time (e.g. 1 year) the old factory may still be supported along with some ugly deprecation printout.